Ruben Garcia

Front-end React Developer based in Edinburgh, UK.
Proficient with HTML, CSS, Modern ES6 Javascript and React/Redux.

Let's Talk See My Work

Problem Solving

Team Collaboration

Deep Work

Effective Communication

Continuous Improvement

About Me

As a Front-end Developer, my skills go from the most fundamental building blocks of the web to full-scale modern single-page applications. I specialise in React and I'm competent using Redux and the latest ES6+ features. I'm also familiar with the most popular web tools such as Webpack, Babel, NPM, Git, etc.

On top of that, I feel confident working with API's as well as writing asyncronous code. I know the basics of Node and Express, including how to deploy apps to platforms such as Heroku. Not only I'm passionate about programming, but I also enjoy creating beautifully designed user interfaces that provide a great user experience.

I love to face new challenges constantly with the goal of becoming a better programmer. All my published projects are showcased below as evidence of my technical skills mentiones here.

My long-term goal is to improve people's lives through technology and make this world a better place. I believe writing code is the way to go.



React Developer Nanodegree

Nov 2020 — Mar 2021

An online training program on building declarative user interfaces for the web with React, and managing state more predictably in your applications with Redux.

React Fundamentals, JSX, State and Asynchronous Data Management, React Router, Redux with Middleware and Thunk, React Native and Expo.

See Certificate


Front-end Developer Nanodegree

May 2020 — Sep 2020

An intensive training program on front-end web design and application development that teaches the building blocks of the modern web and its main programming languages.

Website Layout with HTML, CSS and SASS, Javascript and the DOM, Web APIs and Asynchronous Applications, Build Tools, Webpack, and Service Workers.

See Certificate


These are all my current published projects. Click on the thumbnails to see a full description as well as links to both the github repositories and live online versions of the apps.

Let's get in touch

Contact me on the details below and I'll reply as soon as I can.

  • +44 7563 872 989
  • Edinburgh, UK